The Woman from A.F.R.O

The Woman from A.F.R.O #1

Another one of my Kickstarters came through, right at the start of my overseas trip. So now I gotta sit down and write this review. Oh, my life, it's so hard. #sarcasm

Stella Rae Simone is a spy and bodyguard for A.F.R.O the All-Female Revolutionary Organization. She gets an easy assignment in this issue- Protect Keith Washington, a George Washington Carver type with a cure for carbon emissions. unfortunately, some international terrorist group has other ideas. Can Stella rescue him in time for the speech?

The art seems pretty mundane for a first issue. I didn't see any particularly glaring mistakes. The framing and panel work looked pretty professional as well. I feel like the art team spent more time making Stella look hot and curvaceous rather than on the overall art. Me personally, since the character is a combat-type, I would have drawn the afro smaller to minimize the grab potential. But that's just me.

You can find it at the FroLife website here.